Joshua Cockroft
+358 45 14 61 333
Helsinki, Finland
Medianomi AMK: Photography
Lahti University of Applied Sciences
Bachelor of Arts:
Photography, Video & Digital Imaging
University of Sunderland
Link to CV
Cockroft (b. 1989) is a Helsinki-based photographic artist and educator from Halifax, England. He studied analogue practices at the
University of Sunderland (2010) and is a graduate of Lahti Muotoiluinstituutti
Using photography to gain access to lesser seen corners of society, he aims to bring attention to overlooked or hidden aspects of familiar
environments and explore our relationships with them. At the core of his photographic practice are
analogue processes.
Upcoming Exhibitions
8.2–3.3.2024 - To Serve the Living, Myymälä2, Helsinki
5.–23.6.2024 - Solo show, Galleria Uusi Kipinä, Lahti
Finnish Association of Photographic Artists (Valokuvataiteilijoiden liitto ry)
The Finnish Darkroom Association (Suomen Pimiötaiteilijat ry)
Lahti Association of Photographic Artists VTRY (Lahden Valokuvataide ry)
Globe Art Point Ry
+358 45 14 61 333
Helsinki, Finland
Medianomi AMK: Photography
Lahti University of Applied Sciences
Bachelor of Arts:
Photography, Video & Digital Imaging
University of Sunderland
Link to CV
+358 45 14 61 333
Helsinki, Finland
Medianomi AMK: Photography
Lahti University of Applied Sciences
Bachelor of Arts:
Photography, Video & Digital Imaging
University of Sunderland
Link to CV
Cockroft (b. 1989) is a Helsinki-based photographic artist and educator from Halifax, England. He studied analogue practices at the
University of Sunderland (2010) and is a graduate of Lahti Muotoiluinstituutti
Using photography to gain access to lesser seen corners of society, he aims to bring attention to overlooked or hidden aspects of familiar environments and explore our relationships with them. At the core of his photographic practice are analogue processes.
Using photography to gain access to lesser seen corners of society, he aims to bring attention to overlooked or hidden aspects of familiar environments and explore our relationships with them. At the core of his photographic practice are analogue processes.
Upcoming Exhibitions
8.2–3.3.2024 - To Serve the Living, Myymälä2, Helsinki
5.–23.6.2024 - Solo show, Galleria Uusi Kipinä, Lahti
Finnish Association of Photographic Artists (Valokuvataiteilijoiden liitto ry)
The Finnish Darkroom Association (Suomen Pimiötaiteilijat ry)
Lahti Association of Photographic Artists VTRY (Lahden Valokuvataide ry)
Globe Art Point Ry
8.2–3.3.2024 - To Serve the Living, Myymälä2, Helsinki
5.–23.6.2024 - Solo show, Galleria Uusi Kipinä, Lahti
Finnish Association of Photographic Artists (Valokuvataiteilijoiden liitto ry)
The Finnish Darkroom Association (Suomen Pimiötaiteilijat ry)
Lahti Association of Photographic Artists VTRY (Lahden Valokuvataide ry)
Globe Art Point Ry